News Update :

New Bank Scam..Beware!!!!

It's Unfortunate that while hard-working Nigerians are trying to hard to make ends meet in these difficult times that some unscrupulous Nigerians continue to paint our country and it's citizens in very bad light.

Daily  all manner of Scammers send different mails as they "fish" for unsuspecting citizens, unfortunately most times their victims are senior citizens and some pensioneers.

I have taken it upon myself to expose every scheme they come up with the last time it was BVN, Next it was CSCS account,   account suspension and Update the list is endless.
This is how  these blood sucking Leeches intend to defraud us next ( see screen shots below)

NB: it is the duty of every Young Nigerian to educate elderly folks whose grasp of Information Technology is limited on how to detect a Scam God Bless You as you do IJN!

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